Yesterday the GAO released a report titled Views on Implementing Federal Elections on a Weekend. However, the first sentence of the concluding paragraph of that report begins with “Weekend elections have not been studied, but studies of other voting alternatives determined that voter turnout is not strongly affected by them.” So, apparently when the GAO discussed elections on the weekend, it doesn’t study weekend elections. Fabulous.
So why do we vote on Tuesday in the first place? I’ll let WhyTuesday? answer that one. But
the important question remains: would voter turnout increase with a move on the
calendar? I’m not so sure.
As the Washington Post reported, South
Carolina has moved its attempt to vote on Saturdays out of respect for the
Jewish community in that state. That makes sense; while overall turnout may
possibly increase, alienating an entire religious group is generally not
advisable for democratic governance. That takes Sunday and Friday out, as well.
But the bigger point about the weekend is that Americans love their weekends. We
a lot, and perish the thought of adding duties to our weekends. We have
children to spend time with, projects to continue, football to watch, and many
other things. Using about as much empirical evidence as the GAO, I would not
favor a move of Election Day to the weekend.
However, the huge problem with voting during the work week
is that many people, uh, work. Many can’t afford to leave their jobs or
children and go and vote. As such, whichever day we vote should be a federal
holiday, with as many establishments open as would be on Thanksgiving. But even
so, which day? The first logical answer may be Monday—presently we have several
holidays observed on Mondays. The problem is that creates a three-day weekend.
Who’d want to lose a three-day weekend by staying home and voting, when that’s
the perfect opportunity to take a small
vacation? That’s what Americans do: the only thing we love more than
weekends are longer weekends!
I think you get the point. We’ve arrived where we started.
While the reasons for voting on Tuesday are horribly anachronistic, the real
evil for voter turnout is that Election Day is not a federal holiday with most
public and private establishments (including schools) having the day off. While
Wednesday and Thursday are both still on the table, I don’t see an advantage to
those days over Tuesday.
Voter turnout should be primarily concerned with equally increasing
the number of people willing and able to vote. I think the best way to do this
is to in fact keep Tuesday, and make that day a less busy one, allowing working
Americans across the board to commit to their civic duty.
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